Ursula Goadhouse


Hypnotherapy with Tools and Techniques

to Resolve Trauma,

Increase Self-Empowerment,

Self-Love & Happiness.

You are the Light.


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Ursula Goadhouse (she/her),

Hypnotherapy and Experiential Classes.

Ursula is a Clinical Social Worker (MSW), Certified in Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapy (TIH), a Certified Hypnotist (CH), a Certified Somatic Psychedelic Facilitator, a Certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach, a Reiki Master, and a Certified Yoga and meditation instructor.

Breaking patterns, healing trauma, and

expanding your consciousness.

Working with depression, anxiety, stress, grief, and building confidence,

as well as supporting psychedelic integration.

We will start with where you are,

and move you to be and feel

more resourceful, energized, peaceful, and happier.

Did you know that Hypnotherapy is backed by neuroscience and behavioral science? In 1958, the American Medical Association approved hypnosis for use in medicine and dentistry. I am here to lend a hand to those who are ready to level up personally, physically, spiritually, or professionally. Hypnosis is like divine prayer into the brain, the body, and your life. It is a wonderful healing tool that benefits many people worldwide. This could be you, too.


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Hypnotherapy is a gentle and proven method to create greater ease, confidence, and self-love and

create more peace, happiness, and empowerment in your body, mind, and life.

Ease and shift stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Create Your Sense of Wellbeing From The Inside Out.

You are the Light.

I use the effective treatment of hypnotherapy as a healing modality. I teach tools and skills for self-empowerment and ​self-love. CBT, Breathwork, NLP, Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapy, EFT, mindfulness, transpersonal psychology, and ​somatic therapies are woven in as are supportive for each individual and their process.

I honor you and your journey toward wholeness.


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Schedule a free

15 min phone consultation

Interested in a session? Start Here.

Let's find out if we are a good fit together. How wonderful it will be to connect! You can tell me what you want to feel and be and change. I can answer any questions you might have about my work and what you expect from our sessions.

In this free consultation phone call, we can see if we are a good fit so that you can feel better and create the results you want.

Schedule a free

15 min phone consultation

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Schedule an Appointment: In-Person or Zoom

Please follow the prompt and pay for your session when scheduling.

This allows us to focus completely on your healing.

Hypnotherapy sessions are $150 and run between 60-90 mins per session.

Packages are optional and create sessions for $140.

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Schedule Your Hypnotherapy

Session Here:

Day & Time

An individual session pay link will appear in ​highlighted blue as you book.

Please pay as you book a session.

For a six-session package, see below.


New Location!

812 E High St

(3 doors down)

Street Parking

  • 812 E High St, Charlottesville, VA 22902
  • Session are IN-PERSON or on zoom
  • Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00-5:30 ET

Full price session fee For cancelation/Rescheduling 24 hours before an appointment or

a no-show. Thank you for understanding.

Of course, if you are ill, just let me know.


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Optional Package

Six Session Bundle

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$840 - 6 SESSIONS

All healing work takes time, and this is natural and normal.

Together, we will focus on your needs and move you forward.

Purchasing a hypnotherapy six-session package is a great investment in yourself.

The savings are an added bonus, creating sessions for $140.


Hypnotherapy helps you feel better emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Love Heal Create Hypnosis Core Foundation:

Perhaps you want new tools, new ways of being, feeling and doing, or something else. New clients start here with this program of six sessions. In your first session, we will get to know each other, answer any questions about hypnosis, create a central goal that is important to you for your hypnosis work and make a list of ways you will know you are making progress in your life, relationships, and happiness toward your goal. This provides you with a gauge to observe that you are making measurable progress. You will also experience a short hypnosis designed specifically for you and receive a recording of it to listen to daily.

Designed To Be Effective:

Perhaps you want to break free from old outdated behaviors, responses, and feelings that hold you back or cause pain. This program is designed to build confidence and resources to access positive and life affirming emotions, clarify and heal a limiting emotion (such as, sadness, grief, shame, or anxiety), clarify and heal a limiting belief, experience deep forgiveness for self and others. You are the change maker. In this process you will redefine and upgrade your relationship with past, present and your future.

Your Subconscious and Higher Consciousness:

It is good to know that hypnosis is not something that happens to you, it is a process of discovery in which you invite your subconscious and higher consciousness to show you areas in your mind, body and life that you are ready to change and heal. You are driving the experience with deep inner wisdom in a non-ordinary state of trance. In hypnosis you are and feel held with love, respect and guidance.

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What You Receive:

In The Core Foundation you receive six hypnosis experiences, three recordings to keep and listen to, to deepen your experience, as well as, practical tools to lower stress, widen your objective perception of yourself and the world, and exercises to interrupt and help stop self critical thoughts. These tools are to be practiced as homework. All of these combined build new neural pathways in the brain, make positive resources more available and upgrade your life.

Highly Effective:

The Core Foundation sessions are highly effective to upgrade how you feel, so that you can feel more resourceful and happier. The process uses the your subconscious mind and inner wisdom to get to the cause, identify the root of stress, anxiety, depression, grief or blockages and to heal. This will move you easily through blocks, outdated mental patterns and to feel better.

Complete or Continue:

Some people feel great with 6 sessions. Redefined and rejuvenated. Some people continue sessions for support. You can decide whether or not to continue into deeper work. You will know what is right for you. It often depends on the level of stress and trauma you are in the process of healing. In the process of this work you will feel supported, loved and honored. The work is empowering and highly effective.

All sessions are available in person or on Zoom.

The sucess rate is very high for both choices.


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All Sessions are available In-Person or on Zoom.

Beautiful transformational work happens both ways. You choose which way works best for you.

In-person sessions are held in my office located in downtown Charlottesville.

Online sessions are very popular and effective.

You may book your appointment through the website.

The link is on the

Schedule an Appointment page.

Current Events & Retreats

Current Events & Retreats

Rejuvenation & Healing Retreat

Ursula Goadhouse

Mountain Light Retreat, Crozet Va



This supportive, creative, and deep experience will rejuvenate your Mind, Heart, and

Spirit. Come enjoy this unique offering and feel expanded and enlivened.

DAY: Saturday, August 10th,

10 am-5 pm


For All Genders

COST: Early Bird Saturday: $155 ​purchase by July 20th

or $175 after July 20th.

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Come relax and feel supported while experiencing hypnosis.

Bring a friend.

Second Wednesday Of Each Month, 1:00-2:00 pm

July 10th: Hypnosis for Wellbeing

Aug 14th: Softening Anxiety

September 11th: Connecting with Playfulness in Healing

Oct 9th: Feeling More Confident

Nov 13th: Increasing Calm

Dec 11th: Self-Love and Inner-Wisdom

Come play and expand your consciousness with a group hypnosis ​experience led by Ursula, a Certified Hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is similar ​to guided meditation but with a purpose of strengthening and widening ​your sense of well-being. Bring your curiosity and an open mind. We will ​be seated in chairs.

Ursula Goadhouse has her MSW and is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a ​Certified Creativity Coach, and a certified yoga and meditation teacher.

Past Event​s & Retre​ats

Past Events & Retreats

Second Wednesday Of Each Month, 1:00-2:00 pm

May 8: Lowering Stress With Feeling Calm ​June 12: Heart & Mind Coherence

Come play and expand your consciousness with a group hypnosis ​experience led by Ursula, a Certified Hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is similar to ​guided meditation but with a purpose of strengthening and widening your ​sense of well-being. Bring your curiosity and an open mind. We will be ​seated in chairs.

Ursula Goadhouse has her MSW and is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a ​Certified Creativity Coach, and a certified yoga and meditation teacher.

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what my clients say

Scorpio 17

Let me start by saying Ursula was a gift to my mental wellness that I did not see coming. I wanted a supplement to my talk therapy that took a deeper dive into past trauma, by resolving and reframing it. That was just the start of how powerful this therapy has been for me; to untangle decades of holding unresolved trauma and pain. Ursula has an amazing gift of always gently guiding you to a comfortable, meditative space where your conscious mind can take a back seat and your subconscious mind can reveal past experiences. I can’t overstate how effective this therapy has been. The healing I feel now is helping me regain energy that had been used to suppress trauma and stay in survival mode. Everything from resolving trauma, better relationships, more energy, positive outlook and plenty of skills that can be used at home to continue your healing. I am truly grateful I chose to contact Ursula. Why not try something new?

five star rating

Lindsay Gray

Ursula is such a lovely person. She holds space with tenderness and at the same time firm, loving attention. It was incredible to experience the depths I could go within myself in our session. In a deeply relaxed state she walks you to parts of your subconscious that are ready to be visited…This is a very unique experience and I highly recommend to anyone curious, Ursula is the perfect person for this work.

five star rating

Emily Sacco

I just completed a 6 session hypnotherapy journey and I feel amazing! Ursula is kind, understanding and really knowledgeable. She has an in-depth intake process where you can really get focused on what you want to achieve through hypnotherapy. Her whole process is very professional and well thought out. I will definitely come back in the future!! it’s a 10/10 for me!

five star rating
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Rahimah von Briesen

Ursula created such a supportive environment for true and lasting insight. From the moment I walked into her office, I could feel the potential for lasting change. After the session, I walked away with tools to approach life differently. After four sessions, my mentality has shifted dramatically and I have very specific and unique-to-me tools for lasting change - absolutely for the better - that came about through our sessions. Thank you, Ursula, for the impact you have had on my life in such a brief time.

five star rating

Mirabai McLeod

This year for mother's day, my son bought me a session with an old friend, Ursula Goadhouse, who now does hypnosis. She found it really changed her life and she wanted to share it with others. So 2 weeks ago I had my session. I wanted to wait awhile before I talked about it so I'd see how I felt a bit later. And I must say, for the past 2 weeks, I have felt more grounded, more intuitive, more peaceful, and I am sleeping better. We did it over zoom. Her voice was so soothing and healing. I went deep and the process was very helpful. If this is something that interests you, I highly recommend love heal create hypnosis.

five star rating

Ursula was so kind, patient, and focused. She made me feel safe and supported and her attention to detail helped me feel confident enough to let my guard down and assist the healing process. I experienced a deep purge and released old feelings and beliefs that left me feeling relieved afterwards.

five star rating

Shelley Whisler

Ursula Goadhouse is a very gifted and heart centered healer. Quantum Journeys Hypnosis is a guided and in-depth dialogue with your soul to find healing, understanding and a path forward in areas that you have felt stuck. I have felt safe and cared for during this deep hypnotic work with Ursula. Her intuition and caring heart are present while guiding me towards the results I was seeking. I highly recommend Ursula for any healing, personal growth coaching and hypnotic guidance you might be seeking.

five star rating
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get to know me

Along with being a certified hypnotist trained to work with depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, IBS, phobias, smoking secession, weight managment, life transitions, chronic illness, self-love and self-empowerment. I have my Master of Social Work (MSW) with a background in cognitive behavioral therapy. I am a certified Creativity Coach, certified Reiki Master and certified in Quantum Journeys Hypnosis. I have additional training in Neuro-linguistics programing (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), stress management and mindfulness meditation and trauma recovery. I am an ally to the neuro-divergent, as well as, the LGBTQ+ community. I offer integration and healing support for individuals participating in ketamine and the psychedelic healing process. I teach tools and techniques to be used in everyday life, to empower you, along with the hypnosis healing protocol.

Hypnotherapy helped heal me physically, emotionally and spiritually...after nine years of struggle with lyme disease, as well as depression and outdated old beliefs. It helped me get out of my own way and find healing and joy. So, not only do I see the healing powers professionally, but have also experienced these tools first hand.

I am genuinely excited and honored to help people to transform, heal and connect to their Highest Self for a happier life. I work helping people to lessen stress, depression and anxiety, as well as, navigate life's challenges through illness, loss, and change, while deepening self-confidence and self-love.

I am an artist and a mother of two amazing teenagers with special needs. I love painting, plant medicine, singing, gardening, music and dancing!

I believe in your innate wisdom. I trust the process. We are here to heal. We can do it together.

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FAQ for Hypnosis

  • What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a focused state of awareness coupled with deep relaxation, which creates a bridge to the subconscious mind where updating and change happens. Like meditation with a purpose and a guide.

  • How does it work? With your needs and desires clearly understood, we create a focused and relaxed state of awareness, where positive and resourceful suggestions are given to purposefully program and reprogram the mind and release blockages while creating beneficial, updated beliefs and behaviors to redesign your responses to life and help create your best possible self. This can include new habits, feelings of confidence, and self-love.

  • Does hypnosis work? Yes. There are many clinical trials proving the many benefits of hypnosis for pain management, depression, anxiety, weight loss, and confidence. Hypnosis can also offer spiritual and quantum healing.

  • What is hypnosis good for? Transformation. Relieving stress, anxiety, depression, grief and pain. Changing outdated beliefs, increasing self-confidence, as well as increasing performance and creativity. Hypnosis can significantly deepen self-love and improve the quality of your life.

  • What does it feel like to be in a hypnotic state? Hypnosis feels very relaxed and comfortable, like just before you drift off to sleep. You are in the brain wave states of alpha and theta. You will be in a big, cozy chair with a cozy, soft blanket, knowing you are held and supported in your healing journey.

  • Does the hypnotized person lose control? No. Hypnosis is a focused and relaxed state. You can hear what is going on around you, and you are always in control. It is a safe and loving experience.

  • How many sessions will I need? This is therapy with hypnosis as a method, and it will depend on what your needs are.

  • How will I feel afterward? Most people feel refreshed and amazing! The most common first words are, "Wow, I feel so relaxed" and "That was great".


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Why I Became a Hypnotherapist

Why I became a hypnotherapist? For myself (first), I used Hypnosis to help heal myself from Lyme and Co infections, to get out of my own way. By clearing blocks and old belief systems that I couldn't even identify, but I could feel intuitively, and I knew I needed some help to shift myself to get well and feel my happy, healthy, joyful self. Hypnotherapy helped me so much that I dedicated myself and trained to be a hypnotherapist. This is my passion and I love helping people be the best version of themselves. To step into deeper authenticity in their lives, feeling empowered and happier! You will learn practical tools to lower stress and calm your nervous system, this helps you feel peaceful and more in control. You will experience the process of hypnosis to lovingly and expertly update your subconscious beliefs for health, happiness and even deeper connection to the Divine. Your goal is my goal. Let's talk and see if we are a good fit.

Please visit my YouTube Channel: Love Heal Create Hypnosis


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When To Explore Hypnosis

When you want to feel, be or think differently. You want a change, a shift, an opening in your mind, heart or spirit…or all of the above.

How does change occur with hypnosis? By being in a relaxed and focused state and receiving positive suggestions, your subconscious mind alters for your highest good. New neural pathways create in your brain, energy is actually moving in new biological, psychological and energetic ways. With practice, nurturing these new neural pathways, new beliefs, new understandings…healing happens.

Please visit my YouTube Channel: Love Heal Create Hypnosis


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Hypnosis and Reiki Healing Refresher:

Divine Love and Grounding

This is a short Hypnosis and Reiki Energy Healing created and led by Ursula Goadhouse, MSW, CH. A wonderful way to take a break in your day of fall asleep at night while connecting with the frequency and vibrations of Divine Love and the grounding qualities of Mother Earth. This hypnosis is infused with the energy frequencies of Reiki Energy Healing, as well.

Please visit my YouTube Channel: Love Heal Create Hypnosis


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Email List, Instagram, & Psychology Today

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Gratitude to Past and Present Teachers

I have had the great fortune to have many beautiful and amazing teachers who have made my life fuller, wiser, and more joyful. This, of course, is not a full ​list, but these are teachers I have worked with directly and they have greatly impacted my life and my work:

America Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Courtney Armstrong, Judith Kravitz, Randi Light, Joe Dispenza, Taita Luis, Marie Manuchehri, Mariia Tsegelnyk, Charlie ​Goldsmith, Dawson Church, Jan Watkins, Sonia Sumar, Janet Evergreen, Rosita Arvigo,

Kat Maier, Kryssa Marie Bowman, and Rick Goodling.

And of course, my guides, angels and the Divine who teach and guide me daily.

with continued Love, Joy and deep Gratitude,

thank you,


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The stars they rain down light beams

bright clear wisdom

wild solar and lunar sprays

like magic ethereal

the Creator is here

in all of Nature

in All of Us

woven and connected

in our human-ness.

Let us be kind, genuine and loving

and find the way together.

You take my hand.

I’ll take your hand.

We walk home together.

Love and Joy,
